Transcription of old council records:
Land Transfer documents; Court of Appeal listings & Licence Applications
Over 4000 original hand-written documents have been scanned and transcribed. The dates range from 1919 to the 1950s and cover all areas of the Richmond valley.

Some Land Transfer documents come with maps sketched on the reverse – some with letters to or from the Shire.

The 100 pages of Licence applications cover the period 1964-72 and include butchers, milk vendors, plumbers etc.
FYI – it cost $1 for a licence to erect a sign to advertise your business and $10 for a permit to sell ice cream on Evans Head Reserve.
The Appeal Court documents range from 1936 to 1954 and it is the list of the portion of land being lodged. For example:

All of the information has been transcribed onto spreadsheets capturing as much information as possible and is searchable by surname.
As searching this database is time-consuming, a small fee will be charged to cover research, which will support this website and ensure that the information will be available into the future. Please email to discuss charges and timeframes for searches and provision of digital documents.